About Me

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I wear many hats. I am a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter, Friend, Dental Assistant, Student, Big Sister, Daughter-in-law, Sister-in-law, Chef, Gardener, Nurse, Maid, Plumber, Seamstress...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dinner Surprise

Sunday we ate lunch around 3pm so we decided to have dinner around 7:30-8pm. Most of the day I was at my grandparents house doing some house cleaning. When I got home I had a nice little surprise waiting for me. Mylan greeted me at the door as if we was a waiter. He had a towel draped over his arm and said, "Welcome Ma'am. Allow me to take your bags Ma'am." So he took my bag and took my arm and led me to the coffee table. He said, "Let me take you to your table ma'am." He was so cute! I discovered that we were eating in the living room so that the boys could watch football while we ate. However, I think they were buttering me up because they even went to the gas station to buy me a coke to have with dinner...my fave! Needless to say, it worked! My favorite part was Mylan the waiter though!

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