About Me

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I wear many hats. I am a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter, Friend, Dental Assistant, Student, Big Sister, Daughter-in-law, Sister-in-law, Chef, Gardener, Nurse, Maid, Plumber, Seamstress...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Twenty Wishes

I am reading a book called 'Twenty Wishes' by Debbie Macomber. She is one of my favorite authors. This book is about a group of friends who are all widows. They get together every week for a little girl time. Once day they decided to make a wish list which they call 'The Twenty Wishes'. So the book is about the women and how their twenty wishes change their lives. So far it's been a very good read, however, it's really gotten me thinking about what my twenty wishes would be. The twenty wishes don't have to be something practical. They can be silly or serious and it doesn't necessarily have be something you'll do right away. Just twenty wishes that you've alway wanted to do in your lifetime. I've been working on my list. This is what I've got so far

My Twenty Wishes
1. Experience motherhood (pregnancy, birth, raising a child from birth on)
2. Take a cake decorating class
3. Establish a regular exercise routine and stick to it
4. Learn Karate or Tae Kwon Do
5. Learn to organize my home/life and manage it so that it stays organized
6. Sew a quilt all by myself
7. Write an autobiography
8. Travel some place warm with crystal clear water and learn to snorkel

What would you twenty wishes be?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Championship Game

This weekend Mylan and his team played in the SWBC Championship game. Here is Mylan at bat.

We played two games on Monday back to back. One game at 7:40 and the other at 9:40pm. It was a long night.
His team ended up winning 1st place! Way to go boy! Here is Coach Bobby accepting the team trophy.
Here is all of the boys with their very own trophies! They were so excited! Mylan is in the back row on the far left.
Here is the team with all of the coaches.
Afterwards Coach Bobby gave the boys a little talkin' to about how proud he was of them. Bobby is a great coach!
Mylan is #4.

After the talkin' to all of the boys attacked Coach Bobby!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

He's serious about baseball

Vacation Bible School

This is me, the nutty professor! Our characters for vacation bible school was a mad scientist.

The lesson was learning about Jesus' miraculous power. The children learned there lessons through a serious of Bible stories based in a scientist lab which we called the 'Power Lab'. This is my classroom.

Here is the stage setup. It was pretty cool!
Here is Brian and Rhonda teaching the kids music. They do a great job with the kids. They get really into it!

On the last day of vacation bible school two leaders, a boy and a girl, got slimed! The kids had certain goals to work towards. Those kids who got the most points for certain things got to do the sliming! The kids loved it! First up is Terry to get slimed!
Next is Aubrey!
Eww! So gross!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


July 4th!!

For the July 4th weekend we went to the parade...

When the military walked by a man who was watching the parade would stand at attention and salute the military men and women. I found it very touching.

This guy was in full fatigue and even his face was painted. It was a bit scary looking.

This guy was dressed like an old cowboy.
People from the local water park walked in the parade a sprayed people with water guns! Mylan loved it!
Here is the city's local baseball team, The Twins. They drove in the parade and sang really loud to a song by Leona Lewis called "Bleeding Love". It was quit funny to see a bunch of baseball players singing a love song!

After the parade we saw a Twins vs. Hays baseball game. The twins lost. Then we went over to my in-laws and watched the city fireworks show from the back deck. Here is a picture of all of us together. Sorry it's not that god of a picture. Left to Right: Grandpa Woody (My step-father in law), Grandma Sue (My mother in law), Me, Larry and Mylan.
Happy 4th of July!!